NVC Resources on Role Plays
Financial Integrity
Your Money AND Your Life (6 Session Course)
CNVC Certified Trainer Alan Seid guides you to create a relationship with money that is clear, empowered and non-stressful. In which money plays a purposeful role in helping you create your ideal life, rather than unconsciously undermining your ability to achieve your dreams.
Why is it so difficult to change our patterns even when we want to, even when we experience shame or despair about them? Arnina Kashtan offers some of the common pitfalls and concrete steps to overcome them in the future.
Healing and Reconciliation
(7 Session Course)
Old emotional hurts and pains can easily erupt when you’re in the throes of conflict – even if you’re the mediator. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could avoid all of that, and instead create more peace and happiness for yourself, your family, your co-workers and your community?
Mediating a conflict conversation can be challenging – but with tools and practice, that challenge can be transformed. If you're curious about the specific steps needed to achieve that transformation, join John for an exploration of his non-dual mindfulness practice.
In this video download, expert parent trainer and author of Parenting From Your Heart, Inbal Kashtan responds to the age-old question: "Why do children do things to annoy parents?"
Attraction to others is neither good nor bad. Although it's pleasurable it doesn’t necessarily help with wise discernment. When it arises, it's up to you to engage in wise discernment about how you manage it. This guide provides practices and points of focus to engage your own attraction in a way that holds more choice about what will meet needs for yourself and others, and what role attraction plays.
NVC at Work
Transforming Organizations with Nonviolent Communication (6 Session Course)
Listen and learn how to:
- Talk about NVC in a way that has meaning and relevance for companies and organizations, showing a clear ROI (return on investment).
- Draw on different applications of NVC for the workplace: addressing change in management, management issues / styles, morale / teamwork, employee retention, etc.
- Create a value-based training proposal (with different service and product options) based on the needs of each specific client.
- Structure meetings with potential clients to move agreements forward.
- Custom design any materials, activities and languaging for each client.
- Develop your own marketing materials to increase your outreach and build your business of sharing NVC