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NVC Resources on Strategies

  1. NVC Tools

    NVC Tools

    Observations, Feelings, Needs and Requests

    Wes Taylor

    Video · 28 minutes · 09/05/2010

    In this introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Wes Taylor discusses the two basic aspects of NVC, the consciousness and the tools that help manifest the consciousness.

  2. For effective dialogue clarify your needs, boundaries, and requests beforehand. Setting boundaries is telling someone what you're going to do in order to meet or protect needs for yourself or others. Whereas with requests, even if you have preferences, you still hold open curiosity about strategies to collaborate with others in meeting needs. Read on for more.

  3. NVC Life Hacks 15

    NVC Life Hacks 15

    Scary Honesty

    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 4 minutes · 01/02/2022

    It's normal for us to keep something inside, avoiding sharing it with someone else as the risk may feel too high. Maybe they will reject me, or be offended and not speak to me again? It can be difficult to know when to share your truth and when to keep it inside. In this episode we layout some useful strategies that will help you speak your truth, while still keeping the connection.

  4. Certified CNVC Trainer Roxy Manning, Phd, shares three steps on how to reflect on what needs are being served when deciding to implement a strategy.

  5. Defining Needs

    Defining Needs

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/20/2021

    In NVC we define needs as resources that life requires to sustain itself. All human beings have the same needs. The strategy is what we do to meet that need. Strategies are specific; we all choose unique ways to meet our needs. The more we can see the difference between the two, the more likely we are to resolve conflicts with ease. Today, look for opportunities to notice the difference in the given situation.

  6. Veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, Sylvia Haskvitz, reviews the key distinctions (sometimes referred to as the key differentiations) in Nonviolent Communication.

  7. Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    (5 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 11 minutes · 8/7/2017

    In this telecourse recording, expert trainer Miki Kashtan will help you uncover what prevents you from making requests for everything you want without fear. The class includes daily practices for requests skill building.

  8. Different Types of Requests

    Different Types of Requests

    Miki Kashtan

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 7/28/2010

    Ask the Trainer: "Could you share a list of types of requests, with examples of each and a possible strategy for formulating requests in conversation?"

  9. Use of “To Be” Verbs

    Use of “To Be” Verbs

    John Kinyon

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/28/2010

    Ask the Trainer: “I heard a trainer say once that the ‘to be’ verbs aren’t really needs, such as to be heard, to be understood or to be valued. Can you help me understand why not?”

  10. Connecting With Your Husband

    Connecting With Your Husband

    Godfrey Spencer

    Trainer Tips · 7 minutes · 7/28/2010

    Ask the Trainer: My question is about wanting to empathize more with my husband. Sometimes we connect very deeply, other times he slips back into "jackal talk..."

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