NVC Resources on Strategies
David explores how movement helps you hold your center when navigating challenging conversations. Example: Move to Wind ~ to calm your system; Move to Ground ~ to notice the ground on which you stand; and Step to Shikaku ~ step behind to practice empathic listening. Listen Now.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan discusses how focusing on connection and care can guide us in expressing honestly and offering empathy.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how NVC's OFNR process is a tool to train our consciousness, rather than the "correct" way to speak.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains has developed a path to teaching NVC without relying on OFNR: Principle-based Teaching.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how naturalizing NVC language involves self care and begins with accepting what is true in the moment.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan offers 3 steps we can take to access and express our deepest authentic expression.
Many of us check our full selves at the door when entering our workplace. Would you like to learn how to apply NVC principles at work instead? In this session, Jeff details how you can step into greater authenticity at work!
NVC Games
A Fun Way to Learn NVC
In October 2018, CNVC Certified Trainer Gitta Zimmerman held her 6th international workshop for people working with children in Ruhpolding, Germany. This workshop video offers NVC learning games, complete with instructions!
This exercise will help you resolve situations in which you have two needs which seem to be in conflict with each other, transforming inner conflict into peace.
No Need Left Behind
All Needs Matter in the Classroom - Including the Teachers!
CNVC Certified Trainer Lore Baur shares how, as a teacher, the classroom is a laboratory for learning NVC and incorporating the NVC consciousness into the classroom. Topics discussed include empathy, permission to educate, protective use of force, corrective action, choice & options and re-do.