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NVC Resources on Compassion

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  1. Keeping Our Perspective

    Keeping Our Perspective

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 5/7/2022

    Trainer Tip: We all want to be valued in our totality, to be loved even when we make mistakes. Wouldn’t we also like to offer this to ourselves? Compassion is about seeing the humanness in everyone, including ourselves. One way to express compassion is to remember your entire relationship and history of love with someone as a whole, rather than focusing on one disappointing incident.

  2. Creating and Sustaining Strong Teams

    Creating and Sustaining Strong Teams

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 11/15/2022

    In this course recording, you'll encounter new abilities and learn how to collaborate effectively from WITHIN a team. You'll be invited to build on interpersonal relationships, and branch out into the exciting challenges present when people work together toward a shared purpose.

  3. Needs


    A Foundation of Inner Freedom, Empowerment and Peace

    Eric Bowers

    Articles · 3 -5 minutes · 7/29/2010

    The human needs that we all share are the foundation of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process because it is in connecting to needs that we find inner freedom, empowerment and compassion.

  4. Abusive Relationships and Nonviolence

    Abusive Relationships and Nonviolence

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 8 - 12 minutes · 9/5/2020

    In order to bring in more nonviolence into the world, we need to take our own needs seriously and recognize that no amount of seeing someone’s innocence would mean putting up with more of their harmful behavior. We need to disentangle compassion towards another from the willingness to tolerate more harmful actions. At times this means finding enough self-love, support, or clarity, to take decisive action. Read on for more.

  5. In the "obnoxious stage" we care for our needs in a way that doesn't respect others' needs. In the "emotional liberation" stage we fully care for others' needs as much as our own—while being free of fear, guilt, shame, or obligation. Often NVC training teaches us how to achieve the latter stage without the former. For greater compassion we can be more rigorous in how we talk about “responsibility", impacts and interdependence.

  6. Blame, Responsibility, And Care

    Blame, Responsibility, And Care

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 11 - 16 minutes · 10/9/2022

    One NVC principle is "stimulus vs cause" - one may be the stimulus but never the cause of another's feelings. When we're upset this principle can help us express pain without blame. However, when others are upset it's easy to slip into blaming them using this principle. Instead, we can hear their pain with care and heartfelt mourning - without guilt nor defensiveness, and whether or not we agree. All this is important if we're sincerely applying compassion. Read on for more.

  7. Yvette Erasmus shares practices to help us develop a regulated nervous system. We all get hijacked and triggered at some point. When that happens we can travel a blame and shame road or we can greet ourselves with graciousness and self compassion.

  8. Spiritual Practice in Troubled Times

    Spiritual Practice in Troubled Times

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/28/2023

    When your dedication to something is fueled by a profound intention to benefit all life, you may call it your spiritual practice. This means cultivating compassion, wisdom, and skills to notice what truly serves life. Its a discovery and experiment in what does and doesn't serve life, and what you can do now - its not about what you believe or not. Continuously inquire: "What most deeply serves life and how can I do that right now?"

  9. Responding to Breakdown of Trust in Police

    Responding to Breakdown of Trust in Police

    Capitalism, Racism, and Creative Compassion

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 39 - 60 minutes · 5/15/2021

    If we're to have a better future, our biggest task will be to reexamine what the police are, their place in the system, and more. Police violence exists by systemic design. The myths of where the problems and symptoms lie with the police, capitalism, laws, government, citizens, class and racism --plus the relationship between all these-- is what keeps oppression ongoing on a mass scale. For change to happen, we'll need to find systemic leverage points, and use privilege to benefit those without it. Read on for more.

  10. Embracing the Body

    Embracing the Body

    Learning Compassion as a “Felt-Sense”

    Dian Killian

    Articles · 5 - 8 minutes · 3/24/2019

    Our "felt-sense" can provide crucial information about our experience and our lives. It can also help us integrate and retain information. This can also bring greater access to internal resources, choice, open heartedness, collaboration and creative solutions. From there, profound insight and transformation can follow. Here's how we can harness that...

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