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NVC Resources on Feelings

  1. Integrating Inner And Outer

    Integrating Inner And Outer

    Robert Gonzales

    Practice Exercises · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/24/2022

    This exercise brings forth presence, awareness, and witnessing regarding what you observe. And also the inner form of experiencing: thinking, feeling, sensing, longing, and noticing any inner resistance. This exercise is designed to allow self-compassion to clear the inner space, and to help you feel it as a flow of energy, presence to the other, and bring in a more relaxed experience and more availability to vulnerability.

  2. Understanding Arguments Against NVC

    Understanding Arguments Against NVC

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 3 - 5 minutes · 7/20/2022

    Even those who practice NVC can repeat old patterns of thinking, believing, feeling, and behaving. If they do, but still use ‘NVC language’ others may think the issue is NVC rather than the person’s capacity. This week, notice even a small instance where someone is against something you suggest. To build trust and connection, experiment with offering empathy or asking them to share what they think, feel, or need.

  3. Understanding Judgments

    Understanding Judgments

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/20/2020

    Trainer tip: Whenever we judge someone else in any way, we create a barrier and distance between us and the other person. Instead, consider shifting from judging other people to awareness of how their behavior affects your feelings and needs. This can make a profound difference in your ability to live peacefully. Read on for more.

  4. Empathizing with Someone Who is Silent

    Empathizing with Someone Who is Silent

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/4/2019

    Trainer Tip: When someone is unresponsive it can be an opportunity to bring in more presence and connection through empathy. They may be worried that if they speak they'll say something they'll regret. Or they may want to know that their needs matters as much as yours. They may also need more space to clarify their thoughts.

  5. Anatomy of a Trigger

    Anatomy of a Trigger

    Change Your Focus and Improve the Outcome

    Mary Mackenzie

    Articles · 7 - 10 minutes · 12/18/2018

    When you or anyone is upset, what could underneath the trigger?  There may be more than is immediately visible.  This article invites us to explore what it looks like to inquire deeper, take self-responsibility, examine our assumptions, attachments, interpretations, and "certainties" that could be hidden behind the needs that are aching to be attended to...

  6. Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World

    Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World

    (10 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 15 - 16 hours · 09/11/2023

    Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World is the last course that Robert Gonzales offered before his passing in November of 2021. It is an intermediate course whose purpose is to deepen our conscious connection to our own vital life force, to develop skills that support inner healing, and to grow and strengthen daily practices that allow us to truly live life to the fullest.

  7. Addictions


    Mary Mackenzie, Susan Skye

    Audio · 38 minutes · 7/31/2010

    In this compelling dialogue, veteran CNVC Certified Trainers, Susan Skye and Mary Mackenzie, discuss the intrinsic needs present in addictive behaviors, and how Nonviolent Communication aligns with the 12-step programs’ process for treating addiction.

  8. The Living Energy of Needs

    The Living Energy of Needs

    Susan Skye

    Video · 32 minutes · 07/31/2010

    Have you experienced inauthenticity, confusion and flatness in expressing empathy with others? Do you long to create a more natural quality of energy as you practice empathy? Or are you a trainer looking for guidance to teach workshop participants a more natural flow in their empathy practice?

  9. Looking at “Shoulds”

    Looking at “Shoulds”

    Sylvia Haskvitz

    Audio · 22 minutes · 4/22/2024

    Using real-life examples from class participants, Sylvia Haskvitz demonstrates the life-changing results of clarifying the needs underlying "shoulds." Some of the situations covered in this audio are:

    • A grandmother shares how she was able to spend time with her grandchildren even when experiencing estrangement from her daughter
    • A father examines how to repair a conversation with his daughter
    • A woman explores her "should" thinking about her financial stability, her job and grief regarding her husband's death
    • A woman connects to her deeper needs that arise with the statement "I should do my taxes"
    • A woman perceives that she has conflicting needs for family harmony, relaxation and comfort when deciding whether to spend holiday time with stepchildren

    If your life is fraught with "shoulds," this resource will support you in translating them into needs and, in some cases, to let them go entirely.

  10. Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    (5 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 11 minutes · 8/7/2017

    In this telecourse recording, expert trainer Miki Kashtan will help you uncover what prevents you from making requests for everything you want without fear. The class includes daily practices for requests skill building.

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