About Our NVC Course Recordings

A main aspect of our mission is to make NVC available to people who don't have easy access otherwise. One way we do this is by using edited course recordings or segments of recordings in other programs (i.e., NVC Library) and occasionally as promotions.

When you register for an NVC Academy live program, you are agreeing to allow the NVC Academy to use the recording to further its work to expand and enhance the practice of NVC throughout the world.

Your privacy is important to us. The following ensures we stay aligned with choice, transparency, and trust:

  • When you register for a course, you are required to opt-in to being recorded
  • Recordings are speaker-view only, so you may mute your microphone to avoid being recorded at all (a reminder is provided at the beginning of every session)
  • We work hard to remove participant names and other identities whenever possible
  • If you would like to have any actual recordings of you removed from the recordings after the fact, we are happy to do so!

Careful thought is made before using anything for promotion. When we want to use a recording that we deem as potentially sensitive, we ask the participant before using it.

All of this is in service of our desire to support the greater NVC community and each individual within it. We hold each member of our community with great care and respect. Our need for trust is great, and we are certain it is equally important to you. We hope this information helps support your needs for trust and understanding.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or concerns.

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