NVC for Social Change

NVC for Social Change

Navigating Systemic Issues with Compassion

Roxy Manning

MP4 Video Download

8 Sessions

7 hours 11 minutes, plus handouts

Recorded in 2020

Price: $120


Added 11/01/2022


We've seen how Nonviolent Communication can provide immense personal healing, but questions have arisen on whether it can also contribute to meaningful social change. 

Roxy Manning believes it can, on both the individual level and the systemic level. NVC for Social Change teaches how to navigate these challenging social issues with love and compassion. By leveraging the depth of understanding that NVC provides, we can then begin to generate equitable processes in our networks and our communities. 

How does NVC deal with issues of power and privilege?

Roxy first heard this question more than 15 years ago at an International Intensive Training (IIT). It was her first experience with NVC and the first time she was able to speak about and receive empathy for a trauma she had never before shared with anyone. At the same time that this life-changing, personal healing was taking place, an African-American couple wanted to know, "How does NVC deal with issues of power and privilege?"

The trainer refused to answer the question unless it was formulated in the NVC format of Observation, Feeling, Need, and Request. But as it was that couple's first experience with NVC, they were unable to do so. Sadly, the community divided, and about ten people walked out. 

This early experience with NVC left Roxy feeling both excited that it could provide such personal healing, and utterly hopeless that this huge question was never answered. 

In the 15 years since that retreat, she has been exploring how NVC can do both — provide individual healing and contribute to meaningful social change.

Take this MP4 course with Roxy Manning and discover how to move from the individual to the systemic within an NVC framework.

You could come away with:

  1. An intimate understanding of the essential relationship between personal healing and social change — and how to communicate it to others.
  2. A higher capacity of compassion for different ways of being in the world.
  3. Clarity about the difference between equity and equality — and how to generate equitable processes in your communities and networks.
  4. Tools to explore the various factors that contribute to your understanding of power and privilege — including your own.

By the end of these course recordings, you could walk away with your own response to the question, "How can NVC contribute to meaningful social change?"

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Meet Your Trainer: Roxy Manning

Committed to compassion and fierce authenticity, Roxy Manning brings decades of service experience to her work interrupting explicitly and implicitly oppressive attitudes and cultural norms within individuals, communities, and organizations. Rooted in her experience as an Afro-Caribbean immigrant, Roxy's passion for cultivating resilience and equity comes from seeing the vast inequities in the ways different communities were resourced throughout her development and education. Roxy has worked and consulted across the U.S. with businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations wanting to move towards equitable and diverse hiring practices and workplace cultures, as well as with individuals and groups committed to social justice in Sri Lanka, Japan, The Netherlands, and Thailand.

More about: Roxy Manning

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