Kelly Bryson

"Practicing the techniques in Kelly’s seminar can move you out of old patterns and bring greater authenticity and aliveness to your life and relationships."

—Alan Cohen, author, I Had It All the Time, The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Kelly Bryson MA, MFT is author of the best selling book, Don't Be Nice, Be Real - Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others, and contributor to the anthology: The Marriage of Sex and Spirit (With Deepak Chopra, John Gray, Scott Peck, Margo Anand, Wayne Dyer, Thich Nhat Hanh, Riane Eisler, Barbara Marx Hubbard). Kelly has been featured in Elle and Shape magazines, appeared on many TV and radio shows, lived in an ashram many years, is a humorist, singer, & licensed therapist in private practice.  He keynotes conventions (National Montessori, Salinas Peace Summit), is an inspirational speaker (presented at the Association for Global New Thought conference), has been a CNVC Certified Trainer for more than 20 years, and has trained thousands in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. He trains, presents and consults with groups, corporations (Tony Robbins, Paul Mitchell Salons), churches (all flavors), schools, (U.Cal.L.B, Body/Mind College), clubs and all types of organizations.  He is the founder of Shangri La Healing Sanctuary community in Santa Cruz, California, USA, and studied with E. Stanley Jones, Gandhi’s concierge and friend.


Being Power/Speaking with Power Through NVC

A Recorded Telecourse with CNVC Certified Trainer, Author and Mediator Kelly Bryson from Santa Cruz, California, USA

Listen to an Audio Snippet

Listen to Kelly discuss money and the future, offering us 3 decisions we can make now that will change our relationship to money and ourselves.

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“Being” IS the change, we all want.  It is what gives Nonviolent Communication its spiritual, practical and personal power. Self awareness makes power with other beings and groups possible.   You must be present to win/win. 

In this telecourse recording you will:

  • Learn to be the “WE” while maintaining the “ME”.  We’ll receive tools to stay in “the with”, first with oneself, then with the other.
  • Gain tools to live a new kind of Love called “Being Love”.  This love requires nothing from others, which lets the Loving Live.
  • Receive 10 group facilitation tools to address:  energy drops, overwhelm, tension, chaos, attention hogs, hiding elephants, and withholding turtles.
  • Learn how to lead in groups without fear of fear. 
  • Receive tools for inspiring transparency and authenticity in groups.
  • Learn how to stay in touch with your vulnerability and innocence.
  • Gain information about 12 Tribal Technologies for creating Trust, ONE MIND cooperation, Connection, Enlightening Up Groups, a field of creativity, etc.

This telecourse recording is divided into three primary focus areas:

1.  Being Power with Oneself: 

  • The First Power – Being Consciousness Itself.
  • Allowing “Being” to act thru you.
  • Knowing who you are not.  Differentiating from your “Core Stories”
    (Of insufficiency, unwantedness, survival fears, flawedness etc.)

2.    Being Power in Relationships:

  • Being in Love with Freedom, and without fear of abandonment or control (as essence meets essence in relationships)
  • Transparency - The Energetic Essence of Nonviolent Communication - Honesty (but beyond the technique)
  • NVC as power tool, “Being Power” as the electricity
  • Relating with and birthing our Wholeness in Relationships
  • Letting go of Stances, coming out of Trances
  • Finding and staying in the “WITH” with others

3.  Being Power in Groups:

  • Leading groups from the “Power of your Being”
  • Tools for generating “Fields of connected collective awareness”
  • Speaking with groups from Presence not Performance
  • Dropping Guru/Teacher roles while supporting a consciousness of “Collective Messiahs” (Groups holding collective wisdom together)

Recommended Books (that will be referred to in this course):

  • The Mandela of Being by Richard Moss,
  • The Sacred Matrix by Dietre Duhm
  • Power and Sex by Scilla Elworthy
  • The Future of Love by Daphne Rose Kingma
  • Sources of Love and Peace – Sabine Lichtenfels
  • Future Without War. Theory of Global Healing by Dieter Duhm
  • Tomorrow’s God – Neale Donald Walsh
  • Don’t be Nice, be Real by Kelly Bryson MFT

MP3 Audio Download: (8 hours & 41 minutes)
This recording was produced from workshops recorded during June, 2009 to February, 2010

Cost $30.00 USD

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