What we are offering

  • Six sessions packed with dense content from all we have learned, starting with the exploration and experimentation that Miki has been doing since 1995, and the rest of us have joined in more recent years. 
  • In most sessions, we plan to have a full interactive presentation with slides from Miki. 
  • In some of the sessions, we plan to also have briefer presentations from NVC certification candidates within NGL about their active areas of experimentation. Our hope through this is to give you practical grounding in what we mean by applying NVC in the world through experiments with truth. 
  • Each session is designed to have an opportunity to be in a breakout room to integrate and to envision what experiments each of you may want to take on. 
  • A learning packet exists to accompany the course: “Introduction to Applying NVC in the World”, which is available for download without a paywall. Many other packets are recommended for different areas. 
  • We intend to offer those who want to go deeper with exploring and experimenting in each of the areas a list of several learning packets with much more content to enrich what we do within the sessions. 
  • We plan to give you a template for designing an experiment with truth based on your actual capacity, including what you are investigating, what structures you want to have to support you, and how you will document the results. 
  • For those who want to, we plan to support self-organized opportunities to meet with others outside session time who share an interest with you in areas of experimentation for mutual support and collective capacity.