About how much to give
We are asking everyone to contribute the most possible without overstretching or resentment. The sustainability of the NVC Academy depends on what people give for tuition. The NVC Academy shares the income with the Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) community. Miki, Menaka, and Aurélia as well as about 20 others who work within NGL attend to all or part of their sustainability within NGL, which operates solely on the basis of what people give freely. As part of our own vision of liberation for all, we are committed to offering this as a gift and receiving whatever people will give to us.
In choosing how much to give, we invite you into the following considerations:
- Because of its content focus, this course is likely to appeal to people with little financial capacity and we want to make it possible for everyone to attend who wants to be part of this. We anticipate 25-50% of participants will contribute nothing based on past experience.
- Any step you take outside considerations of “market value” will support a gradual shift towards needs-based distribution. This includes both giving more than you imagine such a course would otherwise “cost” and stretching your generosity and giving less than that amount (including zero) and stretching your receptivity.
- In previous courses offered on a gift basis, the average contributed by people was less than half of the amount named as sustainable.
- Overall, we are happy to see that more people are gaining access to courses offered in this way even though it has an impact on our sustainability.
- We are longing to invite all of us, including those of us offering this, in stretching further towards the surrender that gift economy invites us into so we can realign with life.
- We would love for each person to discern for themselves how much to give and we recognize this may be too challenging for some people. As a result, we are offering support in the form of clear financial guidelines for those who are new to the gift economy. We invite everyone to exercise as much choice as is within capacity.