Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Beginner Skill Level

Learning Tool

10 minutes

Feelings and Needs form the cornerstone of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), offering a profound framework for cultivating empathy, compassion, and authenticity in our interactions. This comprehensive 9-page Feelings and Needs Reference Guide is designed to support you in integrating these vital concepts into your daily life.


Roxy Manning shares that facilitating equitable group dynamics involves tracking attention, needs, purpose alignment, resources, and impact. Identifying patterns in attention distribution, centered needs, and maintaining alignment with the purpose enhances inclusivity. Tracking internal and external resources, especially considering identity-related differences, prevents disparities. Recognizing who bears the impact, providing support, and addressing impactful issues contribute to fostering an equitable facilitation environment.


When a participant disagrees, corrects you, or offers a suggestion for improvement, how do you respond? As a facilitator, you need to make decisions in the moment of what you will choose to respond to and what you choose to let go of. In this video, Mary offers her insight into how she chooses to respond in these situations. 


When facilitating NVC groups, how can we strive to hold empathy and stay present while also keeping things moving? Marshall Rosenberg used to say to never listen longer than you can be present. Hear Mary share how she balances empathy with efficiency to build trust in her groups. 


Intermediate Skill Level


10 minutes

Listen in as Mary deftly blows the role of facilitator wide open in this excerpt from her very popular 2021 course, Facilitate NVC Groups with Joy and Confidence. She also covers a variety of useful tips such as what to do if you feel lost or confused, how to trust your gut, and ideas around utilizing empathy for yourself! 


Intermediate Skill Level


53 minutes

You've probably witnessed and participated in role plays that were powerful tools for inspiration, integration, or healing. You've likely also been in contexts where role plays fell flat, leaving people frustrated, confused, or disengaged. If you're sharing NVC with others – or are envisioning yourself going there in the future – you'll want to take this class, where the focus is on how to increase the chances of having role plays that serve a clear purpose, engage an entire group, and support the deepest learning possible for all.


Beginner Skill Level


9 minutes

Transparency: when is it too much? Does it support connection, clarity and flow? Is being transparent supporting your needs, the group's needs, and the group's purpose for being together? Check out this thoughtful excerpt from Mary's 2020 course, Jump In Now. Good food for thought!


Beginner Skill Level


5 minutes

Listen in as Mary offers suggestions for leading practice groups: 1) how to build trust in a group setting; 2) clues that demonstrate a group’s lack of trust; and 3) signs that indicate a participants' need for trust isn't being met.


Beginner Skill Level


10 minutes

Be present to the life in your group even when it differs from the agenda! Learn how to pivot and meet the needs of the facilitator, of the individual, or the group – and learn how to live in the possibility that all needs can be valued, even though all needs may not always be met.


Beginner Skill Level


31 minutes

People often want to be supportive of group process, but don't always know how. The facilitator's role is to help the group process move forward while simultaneously supporting every individual, so all move forward together.
